Monday, October 6, 2008

Retail Pharmacy: Bringing Home the Bacon

I'm afraid that I must both simultaneously agree and disagree with a recent post by The Angry Pharmacist about an issue that hits fairly close to home.

Pharmacy professors wield the term "patient care" to their students like its what brings home the bacon every pay-period. Hate to break it to you kiddies, but they are full of shit.

You know what makes the store money? Filling prescriptions. Like it or leave it, filling an Rx fills your paycheck. This precious 'patient care' where you go out front and waste your time consult Mrs Smith on how to take her atenolol for the 4th time this month ends up costing the store money in the long run because you are not filling prescriptions. Spending hours with patients may make you feel warm and fuzzy, but getting off your ass and filling Rx's is what keeps your paychecks from bouncing.

As one of those ignorant pharmacy students, I'm sure my opinion is worthless, but I think that this sort of thinking is both immensely practical and startlingly backwards.

When I settled on pharmacy as a career I was 16. No one in my family was a pharmacist. No one in my family was a healthcare professional of any sort, for that matter. What initially appealed to me was medicinal chemistry. I wanted to research the next generation of drugs, develop treatments or cures for man's most devastating illnesses, and spend most of my life in a lab surrounded by bubbling beakers.

Once I actually got into heavy lab science (analytical chemistry) I decided I hated it. I made some phone calls and arranged for a summer job at a pharmacy in my hometown. After about three weeks of working there I was solid enough on all the mundanities of the job (register duty, cleaning and organization, data entry, etc.) that I was able to start dedicating my "brain time" at work to learning about drugs.

I started learning drugs in the most disorganized fashion possible, which is probably good because my mind wraps itself around trivia and traps it forever. I asked questions of the pharmacists on duty. I pulled package inserts off bottles while I worked and read eagerly. I was lucky to have preceptors that were willing to take the time to answer my inquiries and who encouraged me to continue trying to soak up as much knowledge as I could. The "big secret" that helped everything fall into place was the pharmacist who told me that drugs in the same class have similar names (like all ACE inhibitors ending in "-pril"). Suddenly I realized that I could generalize my knowledge about some specific drugs.

What was the point of that long story?

I started out thinking I wanted absolutely nothing to do with patients because I hated dealing with people and loved chemistry. Loving chemistry translated into loving drugs. I started studying drugs in a vacuum, practically absent of other knowledge about the human body. I learned about the functions of the body based on the activity of drugs, not the other way around. This is probably the most detached-from-reality way to go about the process. The people involved were irrelevant. The drugs were cool. They weren't.

Four years later I live for patient care. Not because I necessarily like patients more, although I did discover that I'm not as misanthropic as I thought. No, I live for patient care because patient care is when I'm getting the most out of the effort I've put into learning things. Not being able to do patient care would be like telling a carpenter that he needed six years of school to get licensed but that on the job all he'd be allowed to do is hold the toolbox and make sure that the boss was using the right tools.

But N.B., you're thinking, TAP didn't say patient care was unimportant or bad. He said it wasn't profitable. "Patient care" doesn't pay the bills. Dispensing prescriptions does.

I agree that somebody does need to be paying attention to whether or not a business is making money. I don't ever want to be that person. That's why I would never start my own pharmacy, although I considered it at one point (it's also business suicide in today's climate, but whatever). I want to take care of patients without being worried about whether or not I'm filling enough scripts per week to pay my overhead, and if that makes me an empty-headed pharmacy student, so be it. Because if script volume is the most important indicator of whether or not I'm doing a good job then I am not a clinician, I'm a salesman.

Modern big-box stores and corner pharmacies are taking a loss on operating their pharmacy departments. It's the honest truth. The money is made elsewhere. How else could the big-boxes justify giving away generics at $4 or select antibiotics for free? They know the pharmacy doesn't make money; the pharmacy attracts customers. The pharmacy is not making money no matter what. What you are doing by filling more scripts is not making money, it is losing less money.

TAP's opinion on this subject is that the solution is to target the PBMs, or pharmacy benefits managers, that screw pharmacists over by reimbursing them considerably less than what they deserve. A business cannot operate by selling its product at a loss, but the PBMs essentially say something like this: "Well, you collected the patient's $10 copay and you charge uninsured patients $150 for the drug? It costs you $120 to order the drug? Yeah, we'll give you $90 + $3.50 for the dispensing fee, take it or leave it." Fix the industry regulations that let the PBMs get away with robbery and we're all good.

Because I'm young and naïve, I'm too stupid to know my ideas are bad. So here's mine. Pitch out the idea that pharmacy is a business altogether. Fuck pharmacy entrepreneurship. Stop assuming that pharmacies should operate as "drug sellers" and start thinking of them as "drug providers." The old business model doesn't work anymore. No longer does Joe the Pharmacist open his own shoppe on the corner and grind powders with a mortar and pestle all day so that he can punch capsules or roll pills. Nobody sells patent medicines anymore (unless you count the altmed scammers). Pharmacy is now ruled by giants, not Joes.

We should turn pharmacy over to the ultimate giant--the Feds. No more corpo-pharma. Pharmacists become government-salaried employees. Prescription drugs (not OTCs), patient care, whatever, they all become services funded by your tax dollars, free or practically free depending on your income level. Pharmacists already counsel for free. They're already giving away their services without collecting a dime--because it's viewed as a professional responsibility. The only thing stopping them from giving away the drugs is the perception that it's necessary to make a profit because no one will keep you afloat otherwise. Currently, that's true. But it doesn't have to be.

Laugh if you want, call me a socialist (the ultimate bad word), whatever, but at least have the courtesy to tell me why you think it wouldn't work. Spain has a system sort of like this. Germany has its own version. A lot of European countries have variations on this model; even if the pharmacies aren't government-owned, public healthcare provisions cover the cost of patient care. Clearly the government is not expecting pharmacies to "operate at a loss." If it did, the pharmacies would go out of business and there would be be no more pharmacies, which is a rather self-defeating model if the purpose of having universal health coverage is to make sure people have access to care.

I know I'm committing the error of "is versus ought" here, saying all this. But that's okay. The current fight in pharmacy is trying to keep pharmacy a working "business" under the present model. We'll never win. Pharmacy is too big now for Joe pharmacist to contain its girth. The business end of pharmacy needs to be abandoned altogther in favor of a patient-focused model.

Here's the bottom line. If you operate a pharmacy (or a doctor's office, for that matter) like a business, profit must trump patients. This is contradictory to every code of medical ethics in existence. It's true, you might take some patients at a loss in "real" practice. But there still exists a conflict of interests; as long as pharmacists are concerned about keeping a roof over their heads and worried about "the bottom line" they will never be giving 100% to the patients they serve. Healthcare is a service field. It is lucrative for many people. But ideally the point of being a doctor or pharmacist is not to get rich. It is to help people--and be sufficiently compensated so that one can live comfortably during his "off hours."

Don't recoil reflexively when someone says "socialist" or "government-subsidized." Abandon the idea that individualism--i.e., capitalism--is the best solution. You can't even start your own pharmacy anymore and have it survive; claiming that starting a pharmacy is a sound business idea at this point is utterly foolish. Quit thinking about you and how you want to run your own business which is the American dream. Stop being a selfish prick and put your patients first!

And if that's not why you went into healthcare, leave. Because we don't want you here.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Thanks for sharing your personal experience in this blog.

BiteTheDust said...

You already have a system like that in the USA. Work with the Indian Health Service (IHS) which is part of the Public Service Corp and treat patients not worry about cost of drugs.
I do a similar thing over here


Anonymous said...

Your point about where retail pharmacies make their money is well-taken. While all of these conscientious objector pharmacists are refusing to fill Plan B or OC scripts, their pharmacies are also selling cigarettes and, in some states, alcohol (although I just read something about a pharmacy chain where no "evil" products are sold - let's wait and see how successful that business model might be.).

Speaking of Robbo's point about the IHS, does the VAMC system work the same way? Some of my grad school buds who were RPhs supplemented their PhD stipends by working the mail-order dungeon of our local VA.

N.B. said...

I actually worked with an old pharmacist in his early 60's who worked for the IHS when he was "a kid" (by which he meant about 25) and he still had his military ID from his stint with the US Public Health Corps. He talked very fondly about the experience and I looked into it briefly, but I think that the structure of the USPHS has changed a bit over the past 40 years.

I'm actually considering a career with the VA once I graduate and complete a post-graduate clinical residency. All of the pharmacists that I know who work for the VA are very happy with their jobs.

pharmacyonline said...

Their is really no problem to counsel patients for free in retail but their is really no appreciation for what we pharmacist do the end of the whole thing in the retail pharmacy, the so called patient takes out the money and hands it to the 'pharmacist'.....!